Explaining Lash Humidity

Thank You For Purchasing Our Humidity Survival Kit

Here’s How to Use It.

Note that every kit from us includes two bottles of glue: Ocean and Desert. You’ll need to have both bottles in order to achieve optimal results.

What follows is what we’ve named The Lazy Lash Glue Guide. If you want a downloadable PDF of it to print and put up in your work area, there’s a link to it at the bottom of this page.

The Lazy Lash Glue Guide

  • If your first client is before 12:00 pm noon, start with Ocean.
  • If your first client is after 12:00 pm noon and the sun is shining, start with Desert. But if it’s raining, start with Ocean.

Signs You Should Switch Glue

  • Glue drop is stringy:
    Change to Desert.
  • Adhesive is beading on lash extensions:
    Change to Ocean.
  • Extensions are not adhering to natural lashes:
    Change to Desert.
  • Adhesive dry time is longer than 1-2 seconds: 
    Change to Desert.
  • Lashes are falling out when brushed through:
    If you are using Ocean, change to Desert and if you are using Desert, change to Ocean.
  • If your client is complaining about fumes:
    If you are using Ocean, then change to Desert. If you are using Desert, change to Ocean because you have humidity issues going on that you aren’t aware of.
  • If you think to yourself, ‘Damn! This is taking longer than usual.’
    Change to Desert.
  • You feel an overwhelming feeling of panic or dread!
    If you are using Ocean, change to Desert and if you are using Desert, change to Ocean. Your subconscious may be picking up on something!

What Happens When Humidity is High and You Are Using a Low-Humidity Adhesive

The glue dries too fast. The effects of this are:

  • You get a gummy, stringy consistency in your glue drop.
  • This causes you to pick up more adhesive than necessary when dipping the eyelash extension in the glue drop.

You now have cured adhesive on the outside and raw adhesive on the inside. This causes:

  • Bad retention and fumes for you and your client.
  • An extension that doesn’t adhere properly.

You now have poor lash retention. You also may have:

  • Possible allergic reactions because of long exposure to raw adhesive, which can stay raw for hours or days.

Your options now are:

  1. Switch your glue from Ocean to Desert, solving your issues immediately.
  2. Risk guessing how long before you need to put out a new drop of glue.
    Questions: Is it every 5, 10, 20, or 30 minutes? What if you guess wrong?
    Answers: Your client gets poor retention and you get a poor review and reputation.

With the Humidity Survival Kit you will never guess again. You now have the solution at your fingertips!

What Happens When Humidity is Low and You Are Using a High-Humidity Adhesive

The glue dries too slowly, meaning it takes more than 1-2 seconds to cure. The effects of this are:

  • The appointment takes way longer because lashes fall over when you let go of them.
  • This causes you to panic as you are running out of time, while holding every lash for five or more seconds, waiting until it doesn’t fall over.

If the lashes don’t fall over and you think the adhesive is dry, you push other lashes into the raw adhesive when you are searching for the next lash to put an extension on. This causes:

  • Lashes to stick to the lashes around them.

So now you aren’t waiting for lashes to not fall over, but you are trying not to hurt your client as you are pulling stickies apart.

All of the above results in bad retention and fumes for you and your client.

Your options now are:

  1. Switch your adhesive from Ocean to Desert, solving your issues immediately, or
  2. Waste time holding lashes until they don’t fall over and/or waste time pulling stickies apart.

Outcome: Your client gets poor retention and you get a poor review and reputation.

With the Humidity Survival Kit you will never guess again. You now have the solution at your fingertips!

Some Hot Tips

  • Always mist your client’s lashes with a nano mister. Do so until a film of water forms on the lashes. No worries — the adhesive won’t go white.
  • When dipping a lash extension into the glue drop, insert it into the center of the drop of adhesive. Avoid the outside edge of the glue drop, as it cures from the outside into the middle.
  • If a client still has retention issues, ask them if they use any anti-aging lotions. If they do, have them stop using the anti-aging product two days before their appointment. They can continue use after the appointment.

Our Best Advice: If you're fighting with the glue — switch.

With the Humidity Survival Kit, you’re in control. There is no more trying to change your humidity to work for your glue. Instead, change the glue to work with your humidity.

With The Lazy Lash Glue Guide, you can be confident in your ability to offer your clients the best lash retention available. This will result in happier clients, faster services and many more benefits.

Caution: Do not use Ocean or Desert on clients that have experienced a bad reaction to eyelash extension adhesive in the past.

© Sandy Wolfe, 2023. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.