Our Story

Back in 2008, I was training to learn waxing when I noticed a sign that was advertising training for eyelash extensions. I had never even heard of eyelash extensions!

I was intrigued and immediately signed up for the course. Over the following weeks, I practiced on what I can only describe as “willing victims!”

The training was really bad. Trust me when I tell you that lash extension training back then was comparable to medicine in the dark ages.

I felt so badly trained I took a second course with another company. In that course, we took a gob of glue, coated 20 natural lashes with adhesive, and stuck a clump of lash extensions on them. We then kept squeezing the clump with our tweezers until they all stuck together. We repeated this process all the way across the lash line until there was no more room.

You are probably thinking that is horrible — and it was.

We were also taught how to apply individual lashes. But that process took more time and we were told we’d make less money doing it that way, so it wasn’t recommended.

I did the “clump method” for a month and then moved to individual lashes only. It was slow going, but only because the adhesive took forever to dry. Lash adhesives back in the day weren’t anything like what is available today. We have come a long way since I took those two courses.

Many changes have happened in the lash industry and continue to happen.

For me, a simple conversation in 2023 made me believe I could be part of the next big step the lash industry takes:

Technician: Why do you switch between adhesives when working on a client? And why do your clients come back to you year after year?

Me: It's just something I do automatically.

Technician: If you can put into words when to switch adhesives, you should let others know, because your clients don’t seem to have humidity-related issues and that skill should be something every lash technician knows.

I knew it was true. My clients didn’t experience any humidity-related issues.

For the first time I sat down and actually put into words when and why I switched back and forth between adhesives.

I wondered, ‘Why haven’t other technicians developed the same skills? And if they did have the same skills, why weren’t they talking about them and why wasn’t it mentioned in any training I had ever heard of?’

It was then I realized this skill wasn’t consistent until I started using Ocean and Desert. Without them, I don’t think it would have been possible.

The answer to the technician’s questions sparked a desire to share my success with others.

The skill I had learned the hard way was so easy to learn and together with Ocean and Desert could change the lashing industry. It was then that The Lazy Lash Glue Guide was born and the Humidity Survival Kit was developed.

Our Tenets

Our ambition is to:

  • Build a company based on honesty and integrity, with others’ success as its main goal.

We believe:

  • Working with lash companies instead of competing against them will fulfill our company’s ambition.

Our goal is to:

  • Get our product and information into the hands of every trained eyelash technician on the planet so that they can personally benefit from happier clients.

Our commitment is to:

  • Let every trained Eyelash Technician, or anyone with a Cosmetology or Estheticians’ licence, try our product for free.

Eyelash extensions make us feel beautiful and we also want to make the world more beautiful.

For every 20 kits we ship to our distributors, we will plant a tree and make an equal donation to clean earth’s oceans.